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Terms & Conditions

These Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy apply to individuals and institutions (“you”) visiting the Website, and, by downloading, printing, distributing or otherwise using or exploiting materials or content (“use”) on the Website, you hereby agree to comply with the Terms and Conditions detailed here. The Transgender Training Institute (“TTI”) doing business as Trans-Affirming Training & Consulting (“TATC”) does not warrant that use of any materials or content displayed on its Website will not infringe the rights of third parties.

If TTI/TATC decides to change the Terms and Conditions of Use or Privacy Policy for its Website, we will post those changes here.

Terms and Conditions of Use 


TTI/TATC’s trademarks, service marks, logos, and design elements displayed on the Website are owned by TTI/TATC. (collectively, the “Trademarks”). The Trademarks may not be used except to provide attribution as specified above. Nothing contained on the Website should be construed as granting, by implication or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademarks, service marks, logos or design elements displayed on the Website without the express written permission of TTI/TATC or any third party that may own such marks displayed on the Website.


The Website and the content made available through this site are for educational and informational purposes only.

TTI/TATCmakes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the Website’s operation or the information, content or materials included on the Website; all of which are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. To the full extent permissible by applicable law, TTI/TATC hereby disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. TTI/TATC will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from your use of or inability to use the Website. You expressly agree that you use the Website, or any materials or content from the Website, solely at your own risk. You also hereby agree to indemnify TTI/TATC, its employees, agents, and affiliates from any and all claims and/or damages (including but not limited to reasonable attorneys’ fees) resulting from any claim brought by any third party relating to your use of the Website or any materials or content obtained from the Website.

The site may contain copyrighted material owned by a third party, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Notwithstanding a copyright owner’s rights under the Copyright Act, Section 107 of the Copyright Act allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders, for purposes such as education, criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. These so-called “fair uses” are permitted even if the use of the work would otherwise be infringing.

If you wish to use or submit copyrighted material published on this site for your own purposes that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. All copyrighted material submitted with explicit permission of the copyright owner will be credited accordingly. In some instances, copyrighted material may be linked back to the original source as posted. We recommend that you seek the advice of legal counsel if you have any questions on this point.

Privacy Policy

TTI/TATC is committed to protecting the privacy of visitors to its Website. Your privacy concerns are important to TTI/TATC. This Statement is designed to inform you about our privacy principles and policy regarding collected data. The only information TTI/TATC obtains about individual visitors to its Website is that supplied voluntarily. Personally identifiable information provided by a visitor (name, email or home address, etc.) will not be disclosed to anyone unless the visitor expressly permits TTI/TATC to do so.

The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices:

Personally Identifying Information

TTI/TATC does not require you to register or furnish any personal information as a condition of using our Website. We collect personally identifying information only if you voluntarily provide it to us.

TTI/TATC logs Internet protocol (IP) addresses to conduct system administration, report aggregate information, and conduct site analysis. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to your computer whenever you access the Internet. All computer identification on the Internet is conducted with IP addresses, which allow computers and servers to recognize and communicate with each other. If a visitor requests pages from TTI/TATC, TTI/TATC servers enter the visitor’s IP address into a log. To maintain visitor anonymity, TTI/TATC does not associate IP addresses with records containing personal information. However, TTI/TATC will use IP addresses to identify any visitors who refuse to comply with TTI/TATC’s in-house rules or terms of service, and to identify visitors who threaten our service, site, customers or others.


TTI/TATC uses cookies only to enhance your web browsing experience. (A cookie is a unique number assigned to you and stored on a cookie file on your computer). The first time TTI/TATC serves you a page, our site places a text file called a “cookie” in the browser files of your computer. Cookies are pieces of information that a Website transfers to an individual’s hard disk for record-keeping purposes. Our site uses cookies only to identify you during your visit; they do not contain personal information and we do not use them to store personal information about you, track your movements to other sites or sell information about you to others.

In order to provide visitors with greater value, TTI/TATC may provide links to various third-party Websites. However, even if an affiliation exists between TTI/TATC and that third-party site, TTI/TATC exercises no control over linked sites, each of which maintains independent privacy and data collection policies and procedures. If you visit a Website which is linked to TTI/TATC, you should consult that Website’s privacy policy before providing any personally identifying information.


TTI/TATC’s Website has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Personal information furnished to TTI/TATC is stored in a secured database.


If you have questions or comments about this Privacy Statement, please use contact us.


1.     Services.  The Transgender Training Institute, Inc. (“TTI”) doing business as Trans Affirming Training & Consulting (“TATC”) will provide the consulting services identified above at dates, locations and times mutually determined by TTI/TATC and Client.  Unless set forth otherwise in the description of services above, TTI/TATC will determine the method and deliverables of the consulting services and will have discretion over all matters relating to its performance of services.  TTI/TATC may change the TTI/TATC consultant(s) identified above to provide the services with the approval of Client, which Client will not unreasonably withhold, delay or condition.

2.     Fees and expenses.  Client will pay TTI/TATC the fees, without setoff or deduction, as identified above.  For fees invoiced by TTI/TATC, Client will pay such fees within 30 days of TTI/TATC’s submission of the invoice.  Client will reimburse TTI/TATC for reasonable expenses incurred by TTI/TATC in performing services under this Agreement, including, without limitation, goods and services obtained through third parties.  Any third party commitments made by Client are the sole responsibility of Client.

3.     Changes.  Any change to the terms above requested by Client will be subject to approval by TTI/TATC in its sole discretion.  TTI/TATC may impose additional fees in connection with any approved change.  Without limiting the foregoing, TTI/TATC will charge additional fees as approved by Client for hours in excess of the minimum identified above, if applicable, or for additional or different services, provided by TTI./TATC

4.     Cancellation

4.1   The term of TTI/TATC’s engagement will be until the earlier of TTI/TATC’s provision of the minimum hours identified above or completion of the project identified above, as applicable, or three (3) months from the date of this Agreement (after which, for assurance, TTI/TATC will have no obligation to provide services), unless terminated as set forth in this Section 4.

4.2   Each party may terminate TTI/TATC’s engagement either (i) upon written notice of a material breach of this Agreement by the other party (including, without limitation, any failure by Client to make timely payment in full of any fees or expenses), (ii) without obligation or liability, based on circumstances outside of the reasonable control of such party, including, without limitation, pandemic or governmental requirements, (iii) at any time upon at least thirty (30) days prior written notice.

4.3   In addition to any other rights and remedies, (i) Client will be obligated to pay all fees and reimbursable expenses accrued or incurred through the date of termination or expiration and (ii) unless TTI/TATC’s engagement is terminated by Client pursuant to Section 4.2, Client will not be entitled in any circumstances to a refund of any deposits or fees. [discuss termination fees]

5.     Location

5.1   In the event that the consulting services will be provided on location, Client will ensure that TTI/TATC staff will (i) be in an environment free of verbal assault, physical or sexual harassment, threats of violence, or acts of violence, including, without limitation, physical assault or sexual assault, by any Client staff, service recipient or other person at the location, and (ii) have access to a restroom that affirms their gender identity, including, when possible, access to a private single stall restroom.

5.2   TTI/TATC and its staff will use reasonable efforts to comply with written requirements provided to TTI/TATC that are applicable to Client staff at the location, including, without limitation, those regarding security, smoking, alcohol, drugs, firearms, sexual or other harassment, or safety.

6.     Proprietary rights

6.1.  Client may use TTI/TATC’s name, logo and marks only for Client’s promotion or delivery of the consulting services to its staff and may not make any statement or representation regarding TTI/TATC or the services other than as made publicly available by TTI/TATC.

6.2.  No copyright or other rights whatsoever are granted to Client in the consulting services, including, without limitation, any deliverables, materials or models, any video or other recording, or any work produced by TTI/TATC in connection with the consulting services, or any other intellectual property of TTI/TATC, even if created or acquired in the course of performing under this Agreement.  All of the foregoing shall belong exclusively to TTI/TATC, without restriction.  Client assigns to TTI/TATC any right, title or interest that Client may have in or to any of the foregoing.  Client information provided to TTI/TATC will constitute Confidential Information (defined below) of Client and will belong to Client, and Client will own any final deliverables created by TTI/TATC for Client.

6.3.  Client may not alter or modify any materials or deliverables provided or created by TTI/TATC, or create any copy, derivative, competitive or its own works of or from such materials or deliverables, or use any such materials or deliverables other than for Client’s internal purposes, in compliance with applicable laws.  Without limiting the foregoing, Client may not sell, assign, transfer, sublicense, distribute or, other than to Client and its staff, otherwise make available or disclose any materials or deliverables, or any rights to use materials or deliverables.  Other than any final deliverables created by TTI/TATC for Client, after completion of TTI/TATC’s services or upon request of TTI/TATC, Client will return all materials and deliverables to TTI/TATC.

6.4.  TTI/TATC may record (in any format or media) any of its consulting services, including, without limitation, any virtual services.  Client may not, and Client will ensure that its staff and service recipients do not, record any consulting services without prior written permission of TTI/TATC.

6.5.  Each party will maintain in confidence, protect, safeguard and not disclose or make available to any third party the information of the other disclosed by the other which is not generally known or available to the other or  the public or which is otherwise marked as confidential or proprietary information (“Confidential Information”).  Each party may disclose Confidential Information to its staff for the purpose of providing services under this Agreement or to the extent required by applicable law.  TTI/TATC may retain copies of Confidential Information after termination of this Agreement, subject to the obligations of this Section 6.5.

7.     Client liability.  Client agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless TTI/TATC and its staff from and against any and all losses, claims, obligations, liabilities, actions, suits, proceedings, judgments, payments, costs, expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney fees), and damages of any kind, nature or description whatsoever (“Damages”) arising out of (i) any act or omission of Client, its staff, service recipients, vendors, or other person at the service location (including, without limitation, any breach of this Agreement by Client or any materials, information or content provided by or on behalf of Client), (ii) TTI/TATC’s services or performance under this Agreement, except for any of the foregoing caused directly and exclusively by TTI/TATC’s gross negligence or willful misconduct, or (iii) without limiting the foregoing, any claim or complaint of any service recipient, any parent, guardian or representative of a recipient, any Client staff, or any other person or entity associated with Client or its community relating to TTI/TATC, its staff, or services provided or contemplated by this Agreement. Client will be liable for all costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney fees) incurred by TTI/TATC in connection with collecting any compensation or expenses due under this Agreement.

8.     Liability limitations

8.1.    TTI/TATC will not be liable under any circumstances to Client or any other person or entity for any incidental or consequential damages, regardless of the foreseeability of such damages.  In the event that TTI/TATC will be liable in connection with this Agreement for any reason, however, the liability of TTI/TATC will not exceed, in the aggregate, the fees paid to TTI/TATC by Client under this Agreement.

8.2.    Client consents to TTI/TATC’s use of platforms and applications of third parties in connection with communication and document or video storage and management and the provision of TTI/TATC’s services and agrees that TTI/TATC will have no responsibility or liability in connection with any such third party platforms or applications, including, without limitation, in connection with any accidental, unauthorized or unlawful use, access, disclosure, modification or loss of Client information (including, without limitation, any personally identifying information of Client, its staff or any recipient of TTI/TATC services) in connection with such third party platforms and applications.

8.3.    Client waives and releases all Damages against TTI/TATC and its staff arising out of any use of TTI/TATC services or deliverables, including, without limitation, any Damages based on practices, suggestions or recommendations included in the services or deliverables.

9.     Non-exclusivity.  TTI/TATC and its staff may perform similar services or develop or provide similar materials or deliverables for third parties, including, without limitation, competitors of Client.

10.   Status of Parties.  In the performance of all work, services and obligations under this Agreement, each party is at all times acting and performing as an independent contractor with respect to the other and no relationship of partnership, joint venture, agency or employment is created by this Agreement.

11.   Additional provisions.  This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.  This Agreement and its enforcement hereof shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  Each of the parties consents to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the federal and state courts located in Philadelphia, PA.  This Agreement shall be binding on the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns.  This Agreement may not be assigned, directly or indirectly (including, without limitation, by merger or change of control), without the prior written consent of the other party.  This Agreement may be executed electronically or in counterparts.  Each party, and each person executing this Agreement, represents and warrants that the person executing this Agreement on behalf of such party is duly authorized to do so and that this Agreement is binding on and enforceable against such party in accordance with its terms.



Services.  The Transgender Training Institute, Inc. (“TTI”) doing business as Trans Affirming Training & Consulting (“TATC”) will provide the training services identified above at the dates, locations and times and in accordance with the other terms identified above.  TTI/TATC will determine the content, setup and staff for the training and will have discretion over all matters relating to its performance of services.  Virtual training will be hosted on Zoom (or other platform determined by TTI/TATC) through an account managed by TTI/TATC and will include technical support to TTI/TATC staff and Client participants throughout the training.

2.     Fees and expenses.  Client will pay TTI/TATC the fees, without setoff or deduction, as identified above.  Client will reimburse TTI/TATC for reasonable expenses incurred by TTI/TATC in performing services under this Agreement, including, without limitation, goods and services obtained through third parties.  Any third party commitments made by Client are the sole responsibility of Client, even if a training is canceled. 

3.     Changes.  Any change to the terms above requested by Client will be subject to approval by TTI/TATC in its sole discretion.  TTI/TATC may impose additional fees in connection with any approved change.  Without limiting the foregoing, TTI/TATC will charge a rescheduling fee equal to fifty percent (50%) of the training fee if Client desires to reschedule any training upon less than 21 days prior written notice to TTI/TATC. 

4.     Cancellation

4.1   Client may cancel any training upon written notice to TTI/TATC, provided that (i) if such notice is given less than 30 days prior to the scheduled training date above, Client will be responsible for all fees for the training and will not be entitled to a refund of any deposit or prepaid fees, (ii) if such notice is given between 30 and 60 days prior to the scheduled training date above, Client will be responsible for 50% of all fees for the training and will be entitled to a refund of any deposit or prepaid fees in excess of such amount, and (iii) if such notice is given 60 days or more prior to the scheduled training date above, Client will not be responsible for any fees for the training and will be entitled to a refund of any deposit or prepaid fees in respect of the training.

4.2   If fewer than 60% of the expected number of participants are in attendance for a scheduled training, TTI/TATC will have no obligation to conduct the training and the training will be deemed to have been canceled by Client with less than 30 days prior notice.

4.3   If any training set forth above has not taken place within 2 months from the later of the date set forth above or the scheduled training date above, other than as a result of cancelation by TTI/TATC, TTI/TATC will have no obligation to provide the training and Client will not be entitled to a refund of any deposit or prepaid fees.

4.4   TTI/TATC may cancel any training upon written notice to Client, provided that (i) prior to canceling a training, TTI/TATC will use reasonable efforts to provide advance notice to Client and to reschedule the training with Client, and (ii) Client will be entitled to a refund of any deposit or prepaid fees in respect of the canceled training.  Without limiting the foregoing, TTI/TATC may cancel a training if its staff become ill or experience travel delays.

4.5   Either party make cancel any training, without obligation or liability, based on circumstances outside of the reasonable control of such party, including, without limitation, pandemic or governmental requirements. 

4.6   In the event of any termination of this Agreement or cancelation of a training, Client will be responsible for reimbursement to TTI/TATC of nonrefundable expenses inurred prior to notice of termination or cancelation.

5.     Location

5.1   Client will be responsible for providing TTI/TATC access to and use of the training locations and will furnish such resources as TTI/TATC reasonably requests in connection with its performance under this Agreement.  Without limiting the foregoing, Client will ensure that TTI/TATC staff will (i) be in an environment free of verbal assault, physical or sexual harassment, threats of violence, or acts of violence, including, without limitation, physical assault or sexual assault, by any Client staff, training participant or other person at the training location, and (ii) have access to a restroom that affirms their gender identity, including, when possible, access to a private single stall restroom.

5.2   TTI and its staff will use reasonable efforts to comply with written requirements provided to TTI/TATC that are applicable to Client staff at the training location, including, without limitation, those regarding security, smoking, alcohol, drugs, firearms, sexual or other harassment, or safety.

6.     Recording

6.1   TTI/TATC may record (in any format or media) any training, including, without limitation, any virtual training.  If Client orders video rights post-training above, TTI/TATC will record the training and make the video available to Client on a platform determined by TTI/TATC.  Client may not, and Client will ensure that its staff and training participants do not, record any training without prior written permission of TTI/TATC. 

6.2   If Client orders video rights post-training, Client may (i) access the recording for the number of codes and for the period above, (ii) use the recording only for its internal purposes and in compliance with applicable laws, (iii) not alter or modify the recording or create any copy, derivative, competitive or its own works of or from the recording, and (iv) not sell, assign, transfer, sublicense, distribute or otherwise make available or disclose the recording, or any rights to use the recording, to any person or entity other than Client and its staff.

7.     Proprietary rights

7.1   Client may use TTI/TATC’s name, logo and marks only for Client’s promotion of the training to its staff and may not make any statement or representation regarding TTI/TATC or the training other than as made publicly available by TTI/TATC. 

7.2   Except for use rights of the video recording set forth in this Agreement, if applicable, no copyright or other rights whatsoever are granted to Client in the training programs, including, without limitation, training materials or models, any video or other recording, or any work produced by TTI/TATC in connection with a training, or any other intellectual property of TTI/TATC, even if created or acquired in the course of performing under this Agreement.  All of the foregoing shall belong exclusively to TTI/TATC, without restriction.  Client assigns to TTI/TATC any right, title or interest that Client may have in or to any of the foregoing. 

7.3   Client may not alter or modify any materials provided by TTI/TATC, or create any copy, derivative, competitive or its own works of or from such materials, or use any such materials other than for the training provided by TTI/TATC.  After completion of a training, Client return all program materials to TTI/TATC.

7.4   Each party will maintain in confidence, protect, safeguard and not disclose or make available to any third party the information of the other disclosed by the other which is not generally known or available to the other or  the public or which is otherwise marked as confidential or proprietary information (“Confidential Information”).  Each party may disclose Confidential Information to its staff for the purpose of providing services under this Agreement or to the extent required by applicable law.  TTI/TATC may retain copies of Confidential Information after termination of this Agreement, subject to the obligations of this Section 7.4.

8.     Client liability.  Client agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless TTI/TATC and its staff from and against any and all losses, claims, obligations, liabilities, actions, suits, proceedings, judgments, payments, costs, expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney fees), and damages of any kind, nature or description whatsoever (“Damages”) arising out of (i) any act or omission of Client, its staff, training participants, vendors, or other person at the training location (including, without limitation, any breach of this Agreement by Client or any materials, information or content provided by or on behalf of Client), (ii) TTI/TATC’s services or performance under this Agreement, except for any of the foregoing caused directly and exclusively by TTI/TATC’s gross negligence or willful misconduct, or (iii) without limiting the foregoing, any claim or complaint of any training participant, any parent, guardian or representative of a participant, any Client staff, or any other person or entity associated with Client or its community relating to TTI/TATC, its staff, or a training provided or contemplated by this Agreement.   

9.     Liability limitations

9.1   TTI/TATC will not be liable under any circumstances to Client or any other person or entity for any incidental or consequential damages, regardless of the foreseeability of such damages.  In the event that TTI/TATC will be liable in connection with this Agreement for any reason, however, the liability of TTI/TATC will not exceed, in the aggregate, the fees paid to TTI/TATC by Client under this Agreement.

9.2   Client consents to TTI/TATC’s use of platforms and applications of third parties in connection with communication and document or video storage and management and the provision of TTI’/TATCs services and agrees that TTI/TATC will have no responsibility or liability in connection with any such third party platforms or applications, including, without limitation, in connection with any accidental, unauthorized or unlawful use, access, disclosure, modification or loss of Client information (including, without limitation, any personally identifying information of Client, its staff or any training participant) in connection with such third party platforms and applications.

9.3   Client waives and releases all Damages against TTI/TATC and its staff arising out of any use of TTI/TATC training programs, including, without limitation, any Damages based on practices, suggestions or recommendations included in the training.

10.   Non-exclusivity.  TTI/TATC and its staff may perform similar services or develop or provide similar materials or deliverables for third parties, including, without limitation, competitors of Client.

11.   Status of Parties.  In the performance of all work, services and obligations under this Agreement, each party is at all times acting and performing as an independent contractor with respect to the other and no relationship of partnership, joint venture, agency or employment is created by this Agreement.

12.   Additional provisions.  This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.  This Agreement and its enforcement hereof shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  Each of the parties consents to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the federal and state courts located in Philadelphia, PA.  This Agreement shall be binding on the parties and their respective successors and permitted assigns.  This Agreement may not be assigned, directly or indirectly (including, without limitation, by merger or change of control), without the prior written consent of the other party.  This Agreement may be executed electronically or in counterparts.  Each party, and each person executing this Agreement, represents and warrants that the person executing this Agreement on behalf of such party is duly authorized to do so and that this Agreement is binding on and enforceable against such party in accordance with its terms.

TATC Terms of Participation

Thank you for your interest in attending a training program or other event (online or in-person) to be provided by The Transgender Training Institute, Inc. (“TTI”) doing business as Trans Affirming Training & Consulting (“TATC”).

By clicking the “Accept” button on, or by attending/accessing our trainings, you agree to, and intend to be legally bound by, these terms of participation, which include TTI/TATC’s privacy practices, including any changes that may be posted on our website from time to time.

You should not participate in our events or use our website if you have any objections to any of these terms or TTI/TATC’s privacy practices.

Last revision September 3, 2024

1. TTI/TATC events are for participants over the age of 16. You represent that you are over 16 and agree not to attend any TTI/TATC event if you do not meet this requirement.  TTI/TATC does not request, or knowingly collect, personal information from anyone under 16.

2. Unless TTI/TATC cancels an event, you will not be entitled to a refund of any fees. You will not receive a refund, among other things, if you don’t attend the event, or if TTI/TATC modifies the content or other aspects of the event.

3. You are required to comply with TTI/TATC’s participant etiquette rules, whether provided to you orally or in writing. These include, among other things:

    1. You must comply with applicable laws and not violate the proprietary, privacy or other rights of TTI/TATC or any other person.
    2. You must not verbally assault, physically or sexually harass, threaten violence to, or conduct any act of violence to, including, without limitation, physical assault or sexual assault, or bully, intimidate, or harass any TTI/TATC staff or any other person.
    3. You must not post content or make any statement that is untrue, dishonest, hateful, sexist, threatening, pornographic, incites violence, or contains profanity.
    4. You must not use TTI/TATC’s events, materials, or website to do anything unlawful, misleading, malicious, or discriminatory, or for commercial gain, or otherwise for any purpose other than that for which they are intended.

4. You may not record, copy or make derivative work based on any TTI/TATC event, content or materials. After completion of any event, you will return all materials to TTI/TATC.

5. You may not make any TTI/TATC event, content or materials available to any other person. This prohibition includes, among other things, recording, sharing, taking screenshots of, streaming or distributing any TTI/TATC event, content or materials.

6. You will have no rights of ownership in any TTI/TATC intellectual property, including any TTI/TATC event, content or materials. TTI/TATC does not grant you any such rights. You assign to TTI/TATC any rights you may have in any of your suggestions or ideas related to any TTI/TATC event.

7. You agree to hold confidential all nonpublic information regarding any TTI/TATC event, content or materials. You may not disclose any such information to any person.

8. TTI/TATC may terminate your participation in TTI/TATC events. If you violate the letter or spirit of these terms of participation or of our privacy practices, or otherwise create risk or possible legal exposure for TTI/TATC, or take any action or omission that TTI/TATC reasonably deems inappropriate, TTI/TATC may suspend your access to or use of TTI/TATC events.

9. TTI/TATC will collect certain personally identifying information about you and will endeavor to keep your information private, as set forth in TTI/TATC’s privacy practices.

    1. When you “sign up” for an event with TTI/TATC, you provide TTI/TATC with personally identifying information about you. At a minimum, this includes your first and last names, and email address.
    2. You may also provide TTI/TATC with additional personally identifiable information through your participation in TTI/TATC events or use of TTI/TATC’s website. This may include consenting to, for example, video or still images of you, audio of your voice, or statements you may make or leave during TTI/TATC events or on TTI/TATC’s website.
    3. You should not make any statement that you would not want to become public, including through TTI/TATC’s use of videos, images, recordings or other media that TTI/TATC may create. Among other things, you should not make any statement that includes information that you consider confidential or personally private or that violates the privacy or other rights of anyone else.
    4. TTI/TATC collects and processes your personal information either with your consent or to fulfill TTI/TATC’s legitimate interest in conducting TTI/TATC’s business.

10. TTI/TATC does not share or sell your personally identifying information, except for very specific purposes. These purposes include:

    1. To provide or administer TTI/TATC’s events and website.
    2. To communicate with you.
    3. To work with TTI/TATC’s providers of third party platforms, systems, applications or services.
    4. To market TTI/TATC events.
    5. To respond to legal requests.
    6. To enforce TTI/TATC’s terms of participation or legal rights TTI/TATC may have.

11. You agree that TTI/TATC may use images of you in connection with TTI/TATC’s events.

    1. You authorize, and consent to, TTI/TATC’s creation of videos, images, recordings or other media that include you in connection with your participation in TTI/TATC’s events or use of TTI/TATC’s website. These may include your voice, actions or likeness, alone or with others.
    2. You agree that TTI/TATC will own the copyright in and to any such videos, images, recordings or other media and may distribute, adapt or otherwise use any of them, without your approval, worldwide and forever, in any form or format now known or yet to be developed.
    3. You irrevocably consent to TTI/TATC’s use of videos, images, recordings or other media that TTI/TATC creates and release TTI/TATC and TTI/TATC staff from and against any claims, rights, liabilities or damages of any kind in connection with TTI/TATC’s use of any of them. This includes, among others, claims under copyright law or any other applicable law, such as laws relating to the right to privacy or the right of publicity.

12. You have certain rights with regard to your personal information. You may request that TTI/TATC (i) provide you with access to your personal information, (ii) rectify or correct your personal information, (iii) erase your personal information, or (iv) restrict processing of your personal information, including providing it to any third parties. You also have the right to object to processing, to data portability, and to lodge a complaint with the appropriate supervisory authority in your state or country of residence, if any. The foregoing rights may be subject to certain limitations pursuant to applicable law.

13. You understand that TTI/TATC’s events or website may experience a security breach. Like any technology, TTI/TATC’s event infrastructure or website may experience a security intrusion, third party disclosure or misuse, or data breach that may expose or make public your personally identifying information.

14. You permit TTI/TATC to use automatic data collection technologies, such as “cookies”. You can remove or block these technologies using the settings in your browser, but in some cases that may impact your ability to access or use TTI/TATC’s events or website.

15. TTI/TATC’s privacy practices do not apply to websites linked to or from or using TTI’/TATCs website or to entities or applications that TTI/TATC does not own or control. In addition, TTI/TATC does not endorse content, items or services of those websites or third parties.

16. You agree that TTI/TATC will have no responsibility or liability arising from any third party platforms, systems, applications or services that TTI/TATC uses in connection with its events or website. This includes, for example, their performance, legal compliance, or any accidental, unauthorized or unlawful use, access, disclosure, modification or loss of data (which may include your personally identifying information).

17. You waive and release all claims, rights, liabilities and other damages of any kind against TTI/TATC and its staff. This includes claims, rights, liabilities or damages based on number of important matters, including, among others, (i) practices, suggestions or recommendations included in a TTI/TATC event or on the TTI/TATC website, (ii) any breach of security or unauthorized disclosure, misappropriation or unauthorized use of or access to your information or (iii) any loss, compromise or inaccuracy of information in TTI/TATC events or on TTI/TATC’s website.

18. You will have limited legal rights against TTI/TATC. You agree that TTI/TATC will not be liable under any circumstances to you for any incidental or consequential damages, regardless of the foreseeability of such damages. In the event that TTI/TATC will be liable to you for any reason, however, you agree that TTI/TATC’s liability will not exceed, in the aggregate, the greater of the fees you paid to TTI/TATC for the applicable event.

19. You will be liable to TTI/TATC for your actions and conduct. More specifically, you agree to indemnify and hold harmless TTI/TATC and TTI/TATC staff from and against any and all claims, rights, liabilities or damages of any kind resulting from or in any way connected with your use of TTI/TATC’s events or website, content or information you provide, your breach of TTI/TATC’s terms of participation or privacy practices, or any of your other acts or omissions (whether or not relating to TTI/TATCs events).

TATC Open Enrollment Course Policies

These policies are applicable to all people who register for our Open Enrollment courses through Eventbrite or directly with TATC.  (Open Enrollment means that you are signing up directly with TATC as a participant in one of our courses, rather than hiring as a contractor to do a training for an organization.)  As a small business that depends on income from our trainings for operational cash flow to stay in business, we are not able to make exceptions to these policies.


Invoices and Payment Plans

  • If you need an invoice to pay by check to register for a course, or if you need to set up a payment plan, please contact us to pay outside of Eventbrite.


Continuing Education Credits

  • If you forgot to select, or would like to add Continuing Education (CEs) credit after you’ve already checked out on Eventbrite, please contact us. All requests must be received prior to the start of the event and we will not be able to issue CE credits retroactively. Cancellations of CEs within 1 week of the start of the event cannot be processed and fees are non-refundable.


Transferring Course Registration

  • If you need to miss more than an hour of each day of the course, please wait to register for a future course that you will be able to attend in full out of respect for the group dynamics for the other training participants.


  • If you need to transfer your registration to another person, please email us at with their name and email address so we can follow up and send them our registration survey. Transfers within 1 week of the start of the event cannot be processed and fees are non-refundable.


Course Cancellations

  • In the unlikely event that TATC needs to cancel, postpone, or change the training you registered for (due to unforeseen circumstances, such as the trainer becoming ill), we will reach out to you regarding your options moving forward.


  • If you need to cancel your registration for the course, please email us at Cancellations within 4 weeks of the start of the event cannot be processed and fees are non-refundable, unless there is someone from the waitlist who is able to take your seat.


Course Refunds

  • Refunds for course no-shows, cancellations, or CE credits have a huge impact on our small business. Even so, we understand that emergencies happen. We define an emergency as an urgent and unexpected difficult/dangerous situation that requires your immediate attention. If an emergency arises that will keep you from attending the course you registered for, first and foremost, please know we are genuinely sorry to hear it. When you are able, please send us a quick message to let us know that you will not be in attendance. We will follow up with you after the course has finished to check in and see how you are doing, and to discuss options.


  1. We encourage all participants with concerns about our content, methods or facilitators to reach out with your concerns. If you are in session, we ask you to please direct message the Moderator with your concerns, or stay on past the session to communicate your concerns with the facilitator directly. If it is after the session, we ask that you first start by contacting our VP of Client Services, Kelsey Van Nice (kelsey [at], to share your concern. We will do our best to resolve what we can.
  2. If you do not feel satisfied with the resolution, please reach out to Dr. Eli Green (eli [at] who will consult the trainers and moderators for the session to identify any additional possibilities for resolution.
  3. If your concern is related to a CE offering and we are unable to resolve your concern, you are welcome to reach out to our certifying body, the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT), to register your concerns for additional review and resolution. The appropriate AASECT personnel can be reached at .
  4. Trans Affirming Training & Consulting will abide by any decisions regarding resolution of the grievance by AASECT.
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