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In Community

Welcome to our In Community Portal thanks for being here!

We provide this space for members of trans and non-binary communities to find and recommend additional resources, uplift community organizations & businesses, share your own experiences for use in future trainings, or provide additional feedback about a TATC training you have attended.

Help Inform Our Trainings

We know that with the depth and breadth of ever evolving trans and non-binary communities, there are always ways that we can and will continue to evolve in how we represent communities in our work.  We are committed to lifelong learning and unlearning as a part of ethical facilitation and being an engaged human in this world. Your contributions help us with what we are able to represent and offer to our participants. Anecdotes from your own lived experience that we can share with participants are especially helpful! While we might not implement every recommendation or use every anecdote as a quote, we do review all of the responses submitted.  As our curricula continue to evolve, if you give us permission to, we may reach back to you in the future for additional feedback or opportunities to engage.  Thank you!  We truly appreciate you taking the time and energy to offer us your feedback – we do not take your emotional labor lightly.

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